Saturday 16 May 2015

Balaam's Talking Donkey Paper Puppets

I never read this story as a kid so I had no idea what crafts to work with! It's a pretty quirky story that teaches the kids a lot, like how we should bless people and not curse them. I also got to explain to the kids what angels were. (This is also a great story to teach kids about how animal cruelty is not cool!)
So I didn't do a little comic strip like I usually do but I did use the kids bible to read the story aloud to them. Unfortunately the heaters dried the air out and I was choking on my words! But hey, I tried....
I googled and searched for many crafts but they showed up with just donkey masks basically. So I made my own cheap and easy little puppet donkeys! 

So here's our craft:

What you'll need:
Things to colour in with

So what you wanna do is make some origami fortune tellers! They look like this:

I chose to do pink so it looks like the inside of a mouth

Here's a cool site that shows you how!

Then you're going to want to print out these talking donkeys and cut around them!

The kids will colour their faces in like here: (On the table is the stack of fortune tellers waiting to be popped open!)

Then when they are done, you cut the two jaws apart (gaahhh that sounds painful!) and glue/tape the bottom jaw to the bottom two fortune teller squares, and the top jaw and face to the top half.


Then it will open and close like this and they'll have talking donkey puppets! Here's one of my three year old's work of art!

I actually thought they looked a bit scary in the end but the kids really like them! 
Then the kids can run around and have little conversations with them.